Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Green Party needs to be in leaders debate!

The Green Party leader's exclusion from the televised political debate is absurd. The networks buckled because Harper, Dion and Duceppe said they wouldn't show up if May was invited. Come on -- we don't allow our kids to behave that way, so why would we let our leaders?

This issue isn't settled. You can help get the Greens inside the tent and involved in the discussion. We need them there because they will help keep climate change front and centre. If you agree, you need to tell that to Harper, Dion, Duceppe and the TV networks. Here's how to contact them:

Stephen Harper:
Toll free: (866) 808-8407

Jack Layton:
Toll Free: 1-866-525-2555

Gilles Duceppe:
Télécopieur : 514 526-2868

John Cruikshank, Publisher, CBC news
(416) 205-6300

Robert Hurst, President of CTV News

Troy Reeb, Senior Vice President of News Canwest Global
(416) 967-1174

Pierre Dion, President, Groupe TVA Inc.

Ronald Cohen, National Chair, Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

Glenn O'Farrell, President and CEO, Canadian Association of Broadcasters
613-233-4035 ext: 326

Please go to to get involved.